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Do I need a referral?

Yes, for all diagnostic ultrasounds you will need a referral.

Our 3D/4D Baby Bonding ultrasounds are non-diagnostic and DO NOT require a referral.

Can I use a referral to another clinic?

Yes, you can use a referral to another clinic, we accept ALL referral forms.

Will I be charged for my ultrasound?

All fees charged by Armidale Ultrasound are consistent with providing a premium ultrasound service. Medicare eligible scans may be Bulk Billed in some circumstances. If your scan requires a gap payment you will be advised of the cost at the time of your appointment.

Senior pension card holders will be bulk-billed for all eligible ultrasounds. Minors under the age of 16 will be bulk-billed for all eligible ultrasounds, minors under the age of 18 and HCC holders will be given reduced rates.

Why do we charge private (or gap) fees?

While we work hard to keep quality imaging services available and affordable to our patients, just like other businesses, our running costs continue to grow. This includes the cost of staff, rent, electricity, medical products, and technologies.

"Unlike many other areas of medical practice covered under Medicare, patient rebates for diagnostic imaging services have been largely frozen since 1998. This means that we have only received a very small increase increase in the rebate paid by Medicare or private health insurance for imaging services since 1998 (roughly 1.7% for some services). Therefore, in order to continue to provide a high-quality medical imaging service to our patients, a private fee is required to cover the costs of providing many of our services."

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